“Please, listen to me children. You’re the ones who will rule the world.” - The Doors

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How it started

Given we believe in youth’s power to drive change, we decided to teach about blockchain and the web3 in the classrooms of public schools.

We want to provide the youth with the necessary tools for them to drive innovation, focusing on the more accessible tools from a financial standpoint: blockchain and the web3.

That was our motivation in creating this course, in partnership with the Hilda Miranda school, to bring web3 education to their students.

How did this partnership work?

The school provided a weekly time slot with students and one of our teachers brought personalized content.

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The City

The city of Serra, in the Espírito Santo state, summarizes the Brazilian reality. It has a ~500K population and is located between mountains, plains and the sea.

The population is diverse, including descendants of African, Portuguese, Italian, indigenous and Pomeranian peoples — a cultural diversity that paints a colorful city.

Urban violence is an old challenge for the city — in 2011 it was the most violent city in Brazil with 97.62 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants.

Inequality is a local mark. Although the per capita income is R$ 49,980.16, the average income of the population is only R$ 3,030.00.

Between luxury condominiums, beautiful beaches and favelas, Serra is a portrait of Brazil and Latin America with strong industrial activity, Atlantic forest and sea.

In spite of the socioeconomic challenges, Serra continues to be a beautiful city, which deserves our attention and affection.

Who says that, in addition to the official data from the 2020 Census, is Marcelo, born in Serra-ES.